Thanks to the 150+ volunteers who came out to support our school cleanup! Thanks to Purdy Topsoil & Gravel for their mulch donation!


The PHS Parent's Club holds two distinct types of regular meetings, Board of Directors (BOD) meetings and General Membership meetings.

  1. The BOD meets at least quarterly. Board meetings are held at local establishments, BOD member homes, etc.

  2. General membership meetings are typically held in a reasonably sized public space, such as the PHS library, and are held 1-2 times per year.

Can general members attend BOD meetings?

Yes, the BOD meetings are open for members to attend, however, the agenda is set to allow the BOD adequate opportunity to strategize about governing the organization. Any items to be addressed by general members need to be submitted to the BOD a minimum of 14 days in advance for review and will be added to the agenda if approved. Finally, since BOD meetings are typically scheduled to take place in a home or other small venue. Advanced notice of attendance is required so that provisions can be made to support additional attendees. Use the Contact Us form to inform us of agenda items and your planned attendance.


Check our Facebook page to find the last BOD and General Member meeting schedule. Or Contact Us to learn more.


Electronic docs sent to the VPO are preferred and ensure a faster response time. However, we have a small drop box located in the PHS High School office where you can drop off correspondence and deposits.


Reach out to members of the PHS VPO Board of Directors for questions.